
AI for Desktops.

Automate your workflows.
Record, replay, and share.
No programming required.

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Achieve more with less effort.

OpenAdapt learns to automate your desktop and web workflows by observing your demonstrations.
Spend less time on repetitive tasks and more on work that truly matters.
Industry leading privacy technologies keep your data safe.



  • Boost team productivity in HR operations. Automate candidate sourcing using LinkedIn Recruiter, LinkedIn Talent Solutions, GetProspect,,, Gmail/Outlook, and more.


  • Streamline legal procedures and case management. Automate tasks like generating legal documents, managing contracts, tracking cases, and conducting legal research with LexisNexis, Westlaw, Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, and more.


  • Optimize productivity in insurance. Automate policy management, claims processing, data analysis, and document collaboration with PolicyCenter, Xactimate, Excel, SharePoint, PowerBI, and more.


  • Advance patient care and streamline operations. Automate revenue cycle management, clinical documentation, and scheduling in Cerner, Epic, and more.


  • Automate tasks with Transportation Management Systems (TMS), Freight Management Systems (FMS), Load Tracking Systems, and Document Management Systems for efficient tracking, scheduling, and financial record-keeping.


  • Enhance accuracy and inventory management. Automate prescription management, inventory control, medication dispensing, and patient records with Krol (Telus), Filware, Healthwatch, and more.
Customer Support

Customer Support

  • Automate customer inquiries, ticket management, collaboration, data analysis, and communication using OracleHCM, Workday, SAP, Excel, SharePoint, Outlook, LinkedIn, Teams, PowerBI, and more.
Sales Development

Sales Development

  • Automate repetitive tasks in OracleHCM, LinkedIn, SalesForce, and Gmail for lead generation, prospecting, and communication to optimize revenue growth.
Let us build for you

Let us build for you

  • If OpenAdapt doesn't fully automate your workflow out of the box, we'll work with you to fix that.

Getting Started

Note: OpenAdapt is Alpha software. This means it is in the early stages of development and may contain bugs, incomplete features, and other issues. Users should exercise caution and understand that the software is provided "as-is" without any guarantees or warranties. We appreciate your feedback and contributions to help improve the project. For more information and to support our development, please visit our GitHub sponsors page.


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What's Next?


Comfortable on the command line? Read on:


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Getting Started for Developers

Note: If you run into trouble with the scripted installation described here, please refer to Manual Setup instructions.


  • Press Windows Key, type "powershell", and press Enter
  • Copy and paste the following command into the terminal, and press Enter (If Prompted for `User Account Control`, click 'Yes'):
Start-Process powershell -Verb RunAs -ArgumentList '-NoExit', '-ExecutionPolicy', 'Bypass', '-Command', "iwr -UseBasicParsing -Uri '' | Invoke-Expression"


  • Press Command+Space, type "terminal", and press Enter
  • Copy and paste the following command into the terminal, and press Enter:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"